Biography for John Green Jones, Rockford Township, Pottawattamie County, Iowa, extracted from the 1891 Biographical History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, page 325-26.
JOHN GREEN JONES, a prominent farmer of Rockford Township, was born in Putnam County, Indiana, March 28, 1834. His parents, Hardin and Asenath (Deweese) JONES, were natives of Kentucky whose ancestry remotely were Dutch, Irish and Welsh. Hardin Jones was born in Kentucky on September 17, 1810 and removed to Indiana, where his father died in 1853 leaving a wife and fourteen children. The children were: Malinda, married Hugh ADAMS, and afterward died; Hardin was the second; Lucinda, married Hugh ADAMS, and afterward died; Ewing G., deceased; Sarah who married Luke SALES and died in Illinois; Rebecca, now the widow of Thomas SALES and residing in Appanoose County, Iowa; William M. and Jonathan, both deceased; Leanna, who married Luke SAILES and is now deceased; Allen, who lives in Mills County, Iowa; Elizabeth who married Joseph SKELTON and both are now dead; America, now the widow of Josiah SKELTON and residing in Pottawattamie County; James S., a resident of Rockford Township; and Harriet, who died in infancy.
Mr. Hardin Jones in 1832 married Asenath DEWEESE, a native of Kentucky, who was born January 1, 1810, daughter of David and Elizabeth Deweese, who were the parents of a large family and moved to Indiana, where they both died. Mrs. Jones was the youngest of their children. After marriage, Hardin Jones purchased a farm of 160 acres, heavy timber land, and improved it until the fall of 1855 which he sold and moved to Iowa, when he settled in Rockford Township, this county, upon 230 acres of prairie and timber land, which he purchased of G. BEEBE, which had a cabin on it and 25 acres broken, and then proceeded to improve it. He afterward erected a frame house, 28 X 32 and one and a half stories high, built substantial outhouses, etc. and followed both grain and stock farming until his death. His first wife, already mentioned, died in 1859, and he then married Mary SKELTON in October of that year, and she died March 9, 1881; and he next married in October of the same year, Brunetta MOSS who survived her marriage by only about 18 months. In February 1883, he married Eliza MULLENNIX and she died July 10, 1886, but he survived her death but a short time, dying March 20, 1887. He was Judge of Pottawattamie County and took an active part in the political affairs of the community. Was Justice of the Peace 21 years, Deputy Sheriff for several terms and held other official relations. He was a member of the regular Primitive Baptist Church and the Clerk for 40 years.
In his family were the following children: Malinda Jane, born May 26, 1833 and since died; John G., the subject of this sketch; Martha E., born January 11, 1836, married A. L. JONES (since deceased) and now resides in Harrison County, this state; Amanda A.E., born April 29, 1837, married John A. REEL, and they reside in Harrison County; Mary J., born November 16, 1838, married Joseph MOSS and they live in Rockford Township, this county; Ruth A., born February 5, 1841, married John A. MACE, and died, leaving five children; and Silas H., born July 26, 1847, and died in infancy.
John G. JONES, with whose name the sketch opens, is the second child in the above family and the oldest living. He was married at the age of 20 years on December 7, 1854, to Mary Ann MACE, the daughter of Nicholas and Cynthia (LUSTER) MACE, natives of Tennessee. Nicholas Mace was born in Tennessee, January 25, 1808, of English, Welsh, Irish and German extraction, and at the age of 24 married a lady who was born in Tennessee in 1811 and whose parents died when she was very young, when the daughter was brought up by an acquaintance. She was married at the age of 21 years. After that, Mr. and Mrs. MACE moved to Indiana and resided until 1856, then came to Rockford Township, this county, settling upon a quarter section of wild prairie. Here she died, April 18, 1863, leaving five children, as follows: Mary Ann, John A. who resides in Oklahoma; Millie Jane, wife of Benjamin SPENCER in Boomer Township; David A., a resident of Harrison County; Elias M., now deceased. Mary Ann was born in Tennessee, November 12, 1833, and was married at the age of 21 years.
Mr. JONES, after his marriage, was deeded by his father 90 acres of land on sections 14 and 15, partially improved; and he set out vigorously to work in completing improvements. He first erected a log house, 18 X 20 feet, farm buildings, built fences, etc. and followed grain and stock farming. He also set out an orchard of large and small fruits, planted shade and ornamental trees, and beautified the premises generally. He prospered and in 1872 he erected a fine two-story frame house, 28 X 28 feet, including a veranda in front. He has added to his first purchase until he now has 700 acres of fine land, of which 400 are under cultivation and the remainder is in timber, meadow and pasture. He has been a hard-working and energetic farmer.
As to political issues, he is a stanch Democrat, taking a zealous interest in national affairs; of course in local matters he votes for the candidates whom he judges personally to be the best fitted. He has been Road Supervisor, Township Trustee, a member of the Board of Education, etc. He and his wife are members of the Primitive Baptist Church of Loveland.
Mr. Jones’ children are ten in number, born and named as follows: Nelson, born February 17, 1856, married Martha A. MATTOX; and Theodore, September 1, 1859, married Mary A. WEST, both residing in this county; Parks D., May 20, 1861, still at home; Elias A., May 8, 1863, married Sarah J. CASE; and John G., September 19, 1865, married Martha A. DEAL, both in this county; the next two died in infancy; Emery and Anna (twins), born August 20, 1870, Emery died November 8 following, and Anna on February 27, 1871; and Clarissa Jane, born June 26, 1873. (end)